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Rogelio Gonzalez, CRPC®, CSRIC™

Financial Advisor, Prudential Advisors


Pacific Northwest Financial Group

7525 SE 24th Street, Suite 110

Mercer Island, WA 98040


Phone: 360-919-4271




January/February 2025

Target Your Investments

Most Americans have better things to do other than study the markets. That is why target-date funds continue to be so popular. Also known as age-based, lifecycle and target-risk funds, target-date funds are designed to follow an investing path that changes when risk tolerance and time horizons change.

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Stick to Basics

We all hope for a prosperous year as the new year kicks off. But we also know that markets are fluid and their performance cannot be predicted or timed, so it is important for every investor to cling to these well-known basics that can help them stay on track toward achieving their goals.

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Healthy Financial Habits

Resolving to get financially fit is a great way to start 2025. Here are some ways to develop healthy money habits in the new year.

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How Americans Define "Financially Successful"

Let's take a look at how Americans define financial success.

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6 Ways to Find More Money to Budget

Ever wish you could find extra money to put toward your child's college expenses or your own retirement? Maybe you would like to take a bucket list vacation or buy a larger home. Whatever your financial goals may be, finding the money to help pursue them can be challenging but not impossible. Here are some ways to find more money:

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Money Hacks to Simplify Your Life

Life is nothing if not busy, so we often can't find the time we need to take care of financial tasks, whether big or small. Consider these ways to save time.

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Organize Your Documents

Is financial paperwork piling up on the dining room table or kitchen counter? Setting up a filing system can help you save time, reduce stress and avoid late fees and misplaced tax records. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

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Get Retirement Planning Right

Procrastination is just one of many ways we can derail or delay saving for retirement. Here are some mistakes to avoid.

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Revive Your Retirement Strategy

Few people would argue about the wisdom of putting money away for retirement, yet many of us either don't start, take time off from contributing, or abandon this strategy altogether when financial obstacles hit. But most people can revive their retirement savings strategy at almost any age by making a few changes in how they deal with money.

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Disability Insurance for Business

You may be aware that disability income insurance can protect your employees' ability to earn an income should a long-term disability keep them from work. But do you know there is also a type of insurance that may protect a business financially in the same circumstances? It is particularly suited for a smaller company or practice that depends on a few people for most of its ability to operate successfully.

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Fast Track Profits

Every business owner wants a leaner company with increased profits, but finding areas where you can cut costs can be difficult. These ideas may help.

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Guaranteed Retirement Income

If you're looking for some measure of assurance in retirement in a financial world where few guarantees exist, a fixed annuity* may make sense. While there are many different annuities, one type — a fixed annuity — offers the security many people want.

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Unmarried with Children

According to the 2023 U.S. census, one in four parents were unmarried, a sharp increase in recent years. More parents also have unmarried partners than in the past, which doesn't change the fact that most parents — especially single ones — should have life insurance.

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Yes, A Retirement Portfolio Can Be Too Aggressive

Stocks offer the potential for higher returns but also have greater investment risk, making portfolios susceptible to market downturns. Having a portfolio that is too heavily weighted in aggressive stocks is a concern, especially for anyone nearing retirement. With the start of a new year, it may be a good idea to review your total investments to make sure that they align with your objectives and timeline.

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A Win-Win Planning Solution

Looking for a tax-efficient way to support your favorite charities while providing for your heirs? A charitable lead trust (CLT) may be a solution. With a CLT, you can make a meaningful impact on causes you support while potentially reducing your tax burden.

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Many Underestimate The Importance of an Estate Strategy

Although the percentage of younger people who have started planning their estates rose from 16% in 2020 to 24% in 2024, many Americans of all ages, even higher earners, don't have an estate strategy. In fact, among higher-than-average earners, the percentage dropped from 2023 to 2024.

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A Roth IRA For Your Child

You might think individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are only for adults, but a Roth IRA can be a smart way to give your child a head start in building wealth.

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Who's Best Prepared for Retirement

Americans with average annual earnings in the 90 to 100 percentile ($216,000 and higher) have mean retirement savings of $913,300.

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Secure Act Provisions Effective for 2025

The IRS has issued final regulations updating some changes made by the SECURE and the SECURE 2.0 Acts that may impact your retirement asset legacy.

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