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Manny Gonzalez, II

Investment Advisor Representative


Signature Financial Group, LLC

9150 South Hills Blvd, Suite 200

Broadview Heights, OH 44147


Phone:  216-642-9556 Ext. 320

Fax:      216-642-5508

Cell:      440-731-0321

Text:     440-583-6146




January/February 2025

Money Hacks to Simplify Your Life

Money Hacks to Simplify Your Life

Life is nothing if not busy, so we often can't find the time we need to take care of financial tasks, whether big or small. Consider these ways to save time.

Many financial institutions have smartphone apps that let you do almost everything from getting statements to making deposits. But if you don't trust the apps yet, consider checking out how today's ATM machines let you take withdrawals, make deposits and more.

Shopping is also faster online, but even major brick-and-mortar retailers are reducing checkout times with do-it-yourself checkout scanners. Also explore apps that simplify your budgeting, track your expenses and organize multiple investment accounts.

If you're like many people, you use direct deposit for your paychecks. Why not ask your employer or financial institution to automatically put a portion of them into savings? You might also automate your 401(k) contributions to increase when you receive a pay raise and rebalance your portfolio periodically. And if you don't pay your bills online yet, consider this option.

Bundle Services
Most insurance companies will give you a discount if you buy multiple policies from them, such as home and auto insurance. If you have multiple credit cards, consider using only one low-interest rate card. While on the subject of credit cards, consider those that offer rebates and cash back (along with low interest rates). Review other service providers for internet, phone, cable, and all your apps. Eliminate less-used services and find savings by bundling others.


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