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Manny Gonzalez, II

Investment Advisor Representative


Signature Financial Group, LLC

9150 South Hills Blvd, Suite 200

Broadview Heights, OH 44147


Phone:  216-642-9556 Ext. 320

Fax:      216-642-5508

Cell:      440-731-0321

Text:     440-583-6146




January/February 2025

Get Retirement Planning Right

Get Retirement Planning Right

Procrastination is just one of many ways we can derail or delay saving for retirement. Here are some mistakes to avoid.

Starting Late
Check out the compound interest calculator at to figure out how time can work to your advantage. If you contribute $800 per month that gains 5% annually, compounded daily, you will accumulate over $1.2 million after 40 years. Delay contributions 20 years, double the monthly contribution to $1,600 with the same terms over the next 20 years, and you'll have about $660,000*. Time and compounding make a huge difference, so save early and regularly.

Investing Inappropriately
Time to recover may help ease the impact of market volatility when you're young. If you're retired, you may want to invest for enough growth to match inflation, but more conservatively than when you were younger.

Not Maximizing Your Employer's 401(k) Match
Don't leave money on the table. If your employer matches some of your contributions, consider putting in at least that amount.

Going Without a Retirement Account
If you don't have a retirement plan through work, consider opening and contributing to an individual IRA. You have until the tax filing deadline in April to have it count for 2024.

Taking Loans for Vacations
Don't tap your retirement funds for a frivolous expense, which puts you behind the eight ball for retirement and costs you interest, too. See the earlier interest calculator example.

Taking Plan Loans for College Expenses
This isn't a frivolous expense, but you and your child may be able to borrow or save for it in more appropriate ways. You can't borrow for retirement.

Not Taking Advantage of an HSA
Health Savings Accounts are triple tax-free. This means tax-deferred contributions, tax-deferred earnings, and tax-free distributions for qualified health care expenses. After age 65, you can take withdrawals for any reason penalty-free — just pay income tax on the unqualified amount.

Making the Ultimate Mistake
You haven't yet created a long-term savings strategy? Work with a financial professional to create one and fine-tune it as your situation changes.

*This is a hypethethical example and is not representative of any investment strategies. Actual results may vary.


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