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Craig W. Schubert
Financial Planner
Business & Financial Strategies, LLC
Providing Insurance & Financial Services
1657 Crofton Blvd, Suite 200
Crofton, MD 21114
Phone: 410-841-0032
Fax: 410-841-0030
Whether your dream is to climb Mount Everest or sail the Caribbean in a pontoon boat, the amount of risk you feel comfortable with is different for everyone. That applies to investment risk, too. But how can you find your comfort level?
Aggressive investors are willing to accept more risk of investment losses in exchange for the potential for earning higher returns. Their portfolio typically holds equities and commodities, with little or no exposure to bonds or stable value investments.
Moderate investors are willing to accept periods of market volatility in exchange for the possibility of earning returns over time that significantly outpace inflation. Their portfolios typically consist of a mix of equities and income-producing investments, such as bonds.
Conservative investors accept little or no volatility with their investments. They seek income and capital preservation. Their portfolios hold investments that are highly liquid (i.e., can easily be turned into cash), such as certificates of deposit, money market accounts and U.S. treasuries.
Your financial professional can help you design a portfolio based on your goals and risk tolerance.
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Craig W. Schubert is a Financial Planner with, and offers securities and investment advisory services through LPL Enterprise (LPLE), A Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC, and an affiliate of LPL Financial.
LPLE and LPL Financial are not affiliated with Business & Financial Strategies, LLC.
This newsletter is general educational information provided by a Prudential Financial Professional and is not intended to market or sell any specific products and services, but rather provide general information about the subject matter covered only.
Business & Financial Strategies, LLC and LTM Marketing Specialists LLC are unrelated companies. This publication was prepared for the publication’s provider by LTM Client Marketing, an unrelated third party. Articles are not written or produced by the named representative.
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