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Centuria Financial Group


David P. McCabe,


Financial Planner


Nathaniel D. High, RICP®

Financial Planner


Nicholas J. Over, CFP®

Financial Planner


Sara E. Martin

Client Relations Manager


Jennifer A. McCabe

Client Relations Specialist


Centuria Financial Group

2333 Baltimore Blvd Suite B

Finksburg, MD 21048


Phone:  443-952-7232

May/June 2023

What You Need to Know About Bond Funds

During an unsettled economy, investors often turn to bonds as a hedge against fluctuating stock values. While bonds can offer a buffer, they may not provide returns that outpace inflation and move investors closer to their savings goals. However, bond funds still can play an important role in your portfolio.

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All About Inflation

You don’t have to see government statistics to know that the cost of just about everything is going up. All it takes is a weekly trip to the supermarket or your favorite department store to know that, after several years of low inflation, the purchasing power of your money is declining.

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Estate Planning for the Younger Crowd

In your 20s or 30s, you’re probably focused on building your career and enjoying your current lifestyle. So, you may not have given a lot of thought to estate planning. However, creating a basic estate plan may help protect you if the unforeseen happens.

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Investing in the Midst of Volatility

The past couple of years have certainly emphasized the fact that investing has never been a sure thing. Stock prices fluctuated wildly and riskier investments like crypto reminded most of us of the definition of “extreme” risk. Global inflation, rising interest rates and geopolitical unrest further combined to roil markets and make investors nervous.

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When Investing Strategies Differ

There are certain things all investors may consider doing when equity markets are volatile. For example, if you own a stock that has underperformed its peers, find out why. Management changing direction may make the holding less appealing than in the past, or perhaps peers have passed this company by. Maybe the company is negatively affected by the economy, but is poised to recover when the economy does.

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Exploring Fixed Income

Investors typically flee to bonds when equity markets decline, but this asset class encompasses a few different types of investments. Here’s a look at some of them:

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Traditional But Not Deductible

When investors examine their retirement investment options, they typically pay a great deal of attention to whether their contributions are deductible or not. There are a wide variety of investment accounts, from 401(k) and 403(b) plans, that offer this benefit regardless of income. For high net worth individuals, limits to how much they can contribute to these plans may leave them looking for another place to put additional monies.

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Do You Need a Trust?

While trusts are often complex, they offer high net worth families and individuals tax advantages and more control over how their assets are distributed to future generations. One of the more common and effective trusts used to accomplish these twin goals is an AB trust, which is also known as a credit shelter or bypass trust. This type of trust begins as a revocable trust, when you can make changes, and ends as an irrevocable trust.

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Times Like These

Volatile times can weigh on investors, but your financial professional can help you diversify your holdings to better meet your needs.

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Should You Buy a Disability Policy?

Disability insurance may not be high on your list of priorities. But consider this: According to Social Security Administration statistics, one in four 20-year-olds will become disabled before reaching retirement age. A disability insurance policy is designed to replace a portion of your income if you become ill or injured and can't work.

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Keep Your Business in Shape

Staying on top of your business’s daily operations takes effort and planning. Little is accomplished without a clear vision of where your business is headed and how you plan to get there. Following these critical steps can help you plan, considering not only business goals but personal goals as well.

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Retirement Planning: The Right Approach

As a business owner, you might be counting on the sale of your business to fund your retirement. That expectation may lead you to believe that increasing your business’s profitability is the key to a lucrative sale. But, according to the Exit Planning Institute,* up to 80 percent of businesses don’t sell — or sell for less than expected — leaving most owners unable to cash in on their business’s profits and potentially depriving them of retirement income.

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Will Your RMDs Trigger Medicare Surcharges?

Since you started working, you were probably told about the benefits for saving as much as possible in your employer's tax-deferred retirement plan. Your taxable income is reduced by the amount you contribute. And your savings has the potential to accumulate tax-free until you're ready to withdraw it in retirement.

But why didn't anyone tell you about IRMAA?

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Living with Inflation: Tips for Retirees

Nearly everyone is affected when inflation rears its ugly head, but seniors living on fixed incomes may be in the group that’s hit the hardest. Because the purchasing power of the dollar has declined, people in or near retirement who’ve invested conservatively now have less money to spend. While no one can control inflation, there are steps seniors can take to help ensure they have enough money in the future.

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Do you have a child who is headed to college in 2024? If so, you’ll want to fill out and submit a FAFSA when the form becomes available on October 1, 2023. FAFSA stands for <i>Free Application for Federal Student Aid</i>. It’s used to determine the amount of the loans, grants, and other federal financial aid a prospective student qualifies for. In addition, colleges use the FAFSA when deciding on a financial aid package to offer an applicant.

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Paying with Cash

These days, credit and debit cards are the payment of choice for many people, and paying with cash may seem kind of old school. But, there’s a good reason why you might want to start carrying money in your wallet. Fees that credit card companies charge merchants are on the increase, and businesses are responding by tacking on surcharges to cover the cost of making credit card purchases.

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Say "I Do" to a Post-wedding Checklist

If you thought you were done with to-do lists once your wedding was over, think again. Reviewing personal information and financial accounts and making any changes should be a priority. The checklist below can help.

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Infographic: The Name Game

Here's a snapshot of the important documents and accounts you'll need to update if you changed your name and/or address when you married.

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Centuria Financial Group is not affiliated with Prudential Financial. Centuria Financial Group sells insurance products of Prudential Financial's affiliated insurance companies in addition to products of non-affiliated insurance companies. Centuria Financial Group is authorized to sell and service certain insurance products of Prudential Financial companies as well as use this material. Centuria Financial Group and its representatives do not give tax or legal advice. Please consult with your own advisors regarding your particular situation. Offering financial planning and investment advisory services and programs through Pruco Securities, LLC (Pruco), under the marketing name Prudential Financial Planning Services (PFPS), pursuant to a separate client agreement. Offering insurance and securities products and services as a registered representative of Pruco, and an agent of issuing insurance companies. 1-800-778-2255. Sara E. Martin and Jennifer McCabe are employed by David McCabe and not The Prudential Insurance Company of America or its subsidiaries.
This newsletter is general educational information provided by a Prudential Financial Professional and is not intended to market or sell any specific products and services, but rather provide general information about the subject matter covered only.
Centuria Financial Group and LTM Marketing Specialists LLC are unrelated companies. This publication was prepared for the publication’s provider by LTM Client Marketing, an unrelated third party. Articles are not written or produced by the named representative.

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