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September/October 2023

Get to Know Your Medicare

Get to Know Your Medicare

You may be 65 or older, but it’s back to the ABCs when it comes to Medicare. With so many options, it’s important that you understand each before choosing coverage that is best for you.

It’s Medicare enrollment time, which is when current Medicare-eligible recipients can change their coverage without penalty. Whether you are currently enrolled in Medicare or are about to enroll, talk to a medicare specialist for information specific to your situation, but consider knowing the basics:

Original Medicare consists of Part A, which covers mostly hospitalization, and Part B, covering health care like office visits and blood tests. You don’t pay for Part A insurance if you worked 40 calendar quarters and contributed Medicare taxes during that time. You pay for Part B on a sliding scale, as you would with Part D, which is prescription drug insurance. All these parts have deductibles and copays, which is why many Medicare recipients also own supplemental insurance to pick up some of the slack.

Medicare Part C, known as Medicare Advantage, is another option, which replaces all the Medicare parts in many cases, but restricts provider choice. Generally, there are 10 plans offering different levels of coverage that are known by a letter, like A or G, in most states.


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